The sand cat is a species of a cat that is currently and severely endangered. It’s still one of the least commonly known, although it is recently thrived in Northern Africa, South West and Central Asia. Sand Cat are about the same size of a domestic and they cutest and smallest of all wild cats found in the desert of Northern Africa and Central Asia. The adult cats can grow up to 22 inches and up to roughly 7 pounds and most of the males are larger than the females. Their coat varies in color from grey to sandy with dark stripes on the tail and legs. They have a long hairs extending from the ears which protect their hearing against the sand of the dessert. Its thick fur acts as insulation against the extreme cold of the dessert night and their feet and pads are covered with long hair which protect them from the heat of the desert surface and give them extra support needed in moving across the soft sand.
Habitat and Threat
Sand cats have recently become more scattered and their habitant now are
in separate group lives. They live in very specific areas of the Sahara desert,
North Pakistan, the Arabian Peninsula and the western coast of the Caspian Sea.

Sand Cats faces many threats that could lead to
extinction such as legal hunting, killed in trap laid out for rodents’ farm
predators (foxes, etc) and diseases from domestic animals. They are been hunted
and collected for pet trade which results in many cats dying in captivity. Their
habitat are also been degraded by human settlement and activities especially
livestock grazing and also a direct competition for preys or food with other
animal/species in the same habitant. They are highly sensitive to respiratory diseases and infection of their respiratory tract.
This is the main cause of death in adult cats.
international trade agreement has to be extended to all countries around the
world. The agreement has help trading of sand cat and products made/created
from sand cat. Hunting and trading is prohibited in Algeria, Iran, Niger and Israel
as now and more countries should be added.
All religion should promote cat welfare (animal welfare). If a religion doesn’t not promote animal welfare then is it not worth being part of it. Abraham Lincoln once said;“I care not much for a man’s religion whose dog and cat are not better for it”.
Muslim believe
sand cat to have accompanied Prophet Muhammad throughout his journey on the
Sahara desert, because of this sand cats are respected by the Muslims.

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